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Final Project


Since I was out due to an injury, I was able to create my own guidelines for a final project. I decided to use some of my paintings to create a mixed-media piece combining physical and digital art. Using a hex editor, I glitched my paintings. For the first one, the painting of the checkerboard face, I saved different iterations of the glitches in which I changed multiple lines of code at a time. I would scroll randomly and sporadically press my keyboard until about three lines were edited. I included every variation of the glitch in the GIF. For the second piece, the painting of the wavy checkerboard pattern with bouncy balls, I only changed a few letters and/or numbers between saving the different versions. I made sure to change each number and letter to not be directly next to the original on the number scale or alphabet. For example, if the original code was B4, I would not change it to C3 or A5, but D6 would be an acceptable replacement. I used about every three iterations of the glitches in the GIF. On the third piece, the abstract flowers, I was very intentional in editing the code. If the original text was a number, I changed it to a letter and vice versa. Here, I only edited one symbol at a time. I saved around 100 of these versions and included 30 in the GIF. For each piece, I gathered images of the glitches as they built off of each other. In Photoshop, I created GIFs in which the first piece shows the different iterations in chronological order, while the last two are in a random order. During this project, I was able to delve more into hex editors. I have a better understanding of which edits change color, composition, and location. I discovered which combinations of letters and numbers work well and produce the results I was looking for. For each piece, I learned that numbers create vibrant colors that look more like what I thought of when I hear the word ‘glitch’, while letters tend to result in muddier colors with a blurrier effect.

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